Own your voice,

own the room.

this is the ramey method

are your nerves getting on your nerves?

A lack of confidence ​speaks volumes.

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Powerful Communication Expert and Speaker Scott Ramey, creator of ​The Ramey Method and recently departed corporate executive, helps ​professionals own their voice so they can own the room. Drawing from ​his extensive experience in Fortune 500 companies, Scott equips ​leaders to deliver high-impact presentations, drive tangible outcomes, ​and inspire action. He empowers professionals to maximize their ​message resonance, lead teams effectively, and command attention in ​any work environment.

the ramey method

A proven framework to ​transform your presence ​from presenter to

voice of authority.

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This proprietary system, perfected by Scott Ramey, is a transformative ​approach developed through years of real-world experience. It equips ​leaders with the tools to overcome communication barriers, amplify their ​message, and catalyze action. This method isn't just about public speaking ​— it's about unlocking your innate ability to influence, motivate, and lead ​with conviction. For those ready to elevate their leadership impact and ​communicate with unwavering confidence, The Ramey Method offers the ​pathway to becoming a truly inspirational voice in your field.

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“Scott has a gift ​when it comes to ​public speaking. he ​is a rockstar! ”

— Raelynn Harlach, ChFC®

Divisional Vice President

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“I have felt first ​hand the effect the ​ramey method has ​on a team. it helps ​us better connect, ​lead and inspire.”

— Greg Vinje

Director, National ​Accounts at Transamerica


I’m Scott Ramey.


For years, I wore a mask of confidence while battling inner turmoil. On the ​outside, I was a highly successful businessman guiding Fortune 500 companies ​to billions in new business. Inside, I fought a silent war against crippling panic and ​anxiety every time I stepped into the spotlight.

My journey through corporate giants like Transamerica, Nationwide, and ​AIG/Corebridge Financial forged my innovative approach to communication - born ​from necessity and refined through experience. Through relentless determination, ​I conquered my demons and transformed my anxiety into authentic, powerful ​communication.

This personal evolution led to The Ramey Method, built on my "S.P.E.A.K. ​Framework." It's not just about polishing skills; it's about rewiring how leaders ​connect, inspire, and drive results. My BA in History from John Carroll University ​gives me a unique lens, blending historical insight with modern business acumen ​to tackle today's leadership challenges.

My mission is deeply personal: to help anxious presenters find their voice and ​own the room. I've walked in your shoes, felt the fear, and found a way through. ​Now, I'm here to guide you on your journey from survival to thriving, just as I did. ​Let's turn your presentation anxiety into your greatest strength.

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Now, I teach others to:

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Articulate vision ​with clarity.

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Overcome speaking ​anxiety confidently.

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Engage audiences ​effortlessly.

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foster authentic ​connections


the ramey method can ​and will work for you.



Elevate your next event with Scott Ramey's captivating keynotes. ​As a master of The Ramey Method, Scott delivers tailored ​presentations that inspire, educate, and transform audiences of ​all sizes. Whether you're looking to energize a large conference ​or motivate a small team, Scott's versatile speaking style adapts ​to your needs.

Scott offers a range of engaging topics, including:

  • Mastering the S.P.E.A.K. Framework for influential leadership
  • Overcoming speaking anxiety and commanding the room
  • Articulating vision with clarity and impact
  • Fostering authentic connections through communication

Your attendees will walk away with:

  • Actionable insights to immediately improve their ​communication skills
  • Renewed confidence in their ability to present and lead
  • Practical tools to engage audiences effortlessly
  • Inspiration to embrace their authentic voice and leadership ​potential


Transform your communication skills with Scott Ramey's Method ​workshops. Available virtually or in-person, these immersive ​sessions cater to individuals and groups up to 20 people. ​Whether you choose a one-on-one intensive or a small group ​experience, you'll dive deep into techniques that turn anxious ​presenters into confident communicators.

Scott's workshops offer:

  • Mastery of the S.P.E.A.K. Framework
  • Personalized coaching from Scott Ramey
  • Practical tools to overcome speaking anxiety
  • Techniques for effective audience engagement
  • Strategies to amplify your message and inspire action

Participants receive a comprehensive workbook and additional ​resources. From full-day intensives to multi-day programs, The ​Ramey Method Workshop equips you with the skills to become ​the most compelling voice in any room. Join Scott and unlock ​your full communication potential.

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the ramey S.P.E.A.K ​method is a simple, BUT ​EFFECTIVE approach


Develop a unique and ​impactful communication ​style that resonates with ​your audience and ​enhances your message ​delivery.


Cultivate a commanding yet ​approachable presence ​that captures attention and ​establishes credibility from ​the moment you step in the ​room or on stage.

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Created for the executive ready to transcend the ordinary and ​embrace extraordinary leadership. With Scott's guidance, you're not ​just becoming a better communicator—you're evolving into the ​dynamic, influential leader you've always had the potential to be.


Connect deeply with your ​audience by understanding ​and addressing their needs, ​concerns, and aspirations ​throughout your ​presentation.


Embrace your genuine self ​to build trust and rapport, ​allowing your true ​personality to shine ​through in your ​communication.


Transform your expertise ​into clear, compelling ​messages that resonate, ​continuously refining your ​ability to deliver concise ​content that educates and ​inspires your audience.

Are you ready to become ​the most compelling voice ​in the room?